Thursday, April 25, 2013

Interesting quotes and thoughtful points

---         the achievement of realism is the main goal of research in the 3-D computer graphics field. The field defines realism as the ability to simulate any object in such a way that its computer image is indistinguishable from its photograph.
---          But what computer graphics has (almost) achieved is not realism, but only photorealism – the ability to fake not our perceptual and bodily experience of reality but only its photographic image.
---          So we in turn accept this photorealism as our reality when we lose ourselves in a film with heavy digital animation, and when we do, it proves that computer graphics have become successful in altering our perception of reality if only for the length of the film. However, when people become strongly attached to such stories, it is possible in some cases for their separation of fiction and reality to blur or they find themselves thinking…what if?
---          Digital images are not inferior to the visual realism of traditional photography. They are perfectly real – all too real.

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