Tuesday, May 21, 2013

rito clan character

GIF Article

Animated GIFs have no boundaries or lines that they cannot cross within the internet realm. Everyone can create a GIF with ease which enables everyone to have the power to blur the distinction between art and non-art categories on the internet. “GIFs provide brief moments of aesthetic affect, diversions that are set apart from the running narrative of the work day”. I can relate to this quote because whenever I find myself looking up GIFs, it is usually during when I feel like taking a break from my studies or just simply wanting to relax and get carried away by internet culture. GIFs are always straight to the point and focus on the peak of its subject that it repeats in an endless loop. I never questioned myself before whether or not I considered GIFs as art. They most certainly are a form of art that came about from internet culture and has expanded into a variety of categories. Even though I can agree that they are a form of art, still when I view them, the word “art” doesn’t come to mind unless I am specifically looking at an “artist’s” GIF that was purposefully intended to be viewed as art. Though most of the GIFs I normally spend my time around are GIFs that involve funny moments from movies, home videos, and animals. And since I find that the creators of those GIFs did not originally have an intent to turn their home movies into a form of internet art, I find it hard to relate such images as art even though they can be argued to be.
This article was very interesting however. It challenged me to see the GIFS that I come across everyday in a different light and angle and to also question the intent of art for those purposes. I find that most intriguing… 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

boss battle

Extra Creditz and daily image

The Dalai Lama’s initial comment was that the whole world is just one small planet.   He said we should not exploit others, lie to others, bully others.  The Dalai Lama mentioned that he looks at his audience as a human beings in that there are no barriers and that we are the same.  It doesn't matter where we come from, it matters where we are going together. We must pay more attention to the oneness of humanity.  Everything is interrelated – ecology, war, etc.  We must act in reality.  If we keep a sense of global reality then our minds work holistically.  At a global level, peace and happiness is to your advantage.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Project #3 : Monsters


1. take pictures in downtown eugene

2. incorporate monsters into photos

3. monsters must have continuous style

4. monsters must must not be in the open or center of photo

5. photo must color differentiated

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

oh hello there!

Sentences on Conceptual Art

"A work of art may be understood as a conductor from the artist's mind to the viewers.  But it may never reach the viewer, or it may never leave the artist's mind".

This is an occurrence that I believe every artists has experienced in their life. I personally know that I have many ideas about projects and concepts that I wish to complete for the public, and I have had some of those projects and concepts be lost with the viewer. It is unfortunate but I believe that it is a learning experience in learning who your audience is and knowing the best way to reveal your project to them in order for the concept to not be lost and only remain in your mind.

"The artist cannot imagine his art, and cannot perceive it until it is complete".

I agree with this sentence because I find the statement true that 'art is never finished'. You can always go back and change or make additions or subtractions to something. Every time it creates a new piece of art. Until a work is considered "complete" by the artist, the artist may not have even ended up with the same project that they had started with. The process of creating art can open new doors to other aspects of art which can effect the original project idea and change it. Therefore, the act of perceiving the art cannot be achieved until after the process or creation is complete.

"All ideas are art if they are concerned with art and fall within the conventions of art".
"These sentences comment on art, but are not art".

The first sentence is very tricky. I disagree with it because the definition of art is undefinable, therefor the concept of ideas that are concerned with art is subjective because there is not one definition that can describe what art is in its entirety. I believe there is no written out conventions of art as well. Something is simply art if we wish it to be. Art is about intent, not concerns.
The following sentence is related to the one above it. The author claims that even though these sentences comment on art, which agrees with what he previously said about ideas concerned with art are art, that they are actually not art. My point is that because he says that they are not art, they are not art. He was not intending them to be art so they are not. However, if a reader had taken a sentence from this reading and put it in an artistic setting like on a wall or changed the medium in which it was written in, that person would claim    that sentence as art because they intended it to be. Though even if a reader didn't move the sentence anywhere and just looked at it as it is in the link, they would still have the ability to call a sentence art if that is how they see it. You do not need the "artist's" intent to claim something as art because the artist may not even associate himself as one. Perception is only needed from one person to label something as art.

"An artist may perceive the art of other better than his own."

I disagree with this sentence because I believe that no one knows their art better than the actual artist. You can claim that someone knows you as a person more or understands you more than you may yourself. But for art, some art ideas never reach the surface and just swim around in the mind until an idea is reached that sparks the artist to act on it. I believe that an artist can not perceive better, but can understand the execution of someone else's work better than his own if he or she does not know how to communicate to the world what they wish to create.